Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bus Schedule Webapp for iPhone

While at the Apple Store yesterday evening to scope out the *new* iPhone-–I’m still chapped that I just bought the *old* iPhone four months ago--I noticed a bus schedule Web site on one of the displayed iPhones. I was excited to learn of this great tool for my iPhone, http://www.me2bus.com, which provides Capital Metro bus schedules by route and stop. You navigate to your desired route and bus stop, and the program will tell you when the next bus is supposed to arrive, along with the next three buses after that.

The tool is not an application to install—it’s a Web site that will work on anyone’s portable device. I just checked it on my friend’s Blackberry and it works great, just without the images you will see when using it on the iPhone. It’s an extremely user friendly schedule book on the go!

Looking to the near future, when Capital Metro buses will have intelligent transportation systems (ITS) onboard, webapps like me2bus will be able to include real-time information about when the next bus will be arriving.