Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Return to Normalcy

A note from President/CEO Fred Gilliam:

On Monday, Capital Metro restored full service after union employees returned to work. Capital Metro is pleased that StarTran, the contractor that employs most of Capital Metro’s bus and paratransit operators and mechanics, and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1091 reached a tentative agreement. The union is expected to vote on the contract this week.

Thanks to many hard-working employees and our other contracted partners, Capital Metro was able to increase service each day of the strike. Still, we know that many customers waited patiently for their buses and MetroAccess rides to arrive, and others had to find an alternate means to travel around town. We apologize to our customers and the community for the disruption. Capital Metro will be compensating pass holders who had days of paid eligible fares during the strike days (Nov. 5-9, 2008). The details will be released soon.

Last week was a difficult time for everyone involved. Now, we must move forward to rebuild public trust within the community. We remain committed to providing high quality service to meet the needs of central Texas.